Just an FYI the numbers may be slightly off as I'm away from the office this weekend and am going off memory. Feel free to correct me 
R.I.P. Static Cage Cheese Mode lol. (That was a much needed correction, to be honest)
Aside, you and I already discussed this topic. While the cool down reduction will be nice, especially for Challenge on the Templar, I really think the Taunt duration needs a huge buff across the board.
To quote what I already said before to you (editing out certain parts for NDA reason):
So, my suggestion would be as follows:
War Cry
Taunt Duration: 4 seconds -> 8 seconds (100% buff)
Cool Down: 24 seconds -> 12 seconds (50% reduction)
Taunt/Counter Duration: 8 seconds -> 12 seconds (50% buff)
Cool Down: 60 seconds -> 30 seconds (50% reduction)
(Counterstrike obviously does much more than the other skills, but since it relies on enemies to attack within melee range for the auto-counter to work and it taunts any enemies that have line-of-sight, the cooldown reduction will not be unbalanced. Thirty seconds is plenty long enough cool down.)
Taunt Duration: 8 seconds -> 12 seconds (50% buff)
Cool Down: 16 seconds -> 12 seconds (25% reduction)
(Yes, Challenge would thus be able to immediately recast once the taunt expires, or potentially recast even before then with cool down reductions, which is fair since it's a single target taunt, potentially allowing strategic multi-target taunting and make tanking with the Templar actually possible.)
Side Note: Now those are easier to implement with simple balance changes, but would it be at all possible to have iframes during the animation of these as well?
Now, with that said, I think you went a better route on the cool downs for Counterstrike (smaller changes are better), however with the huge reduction to Challange, Stamina cost will be a problem. Casting Challenge four times will taunt four enemies with about the same average duration as War Cry, and cost a massive 80 Stamina versus War Cry costing 35. Hell, if the range factor is an balance issue, Counterstrike costs only 65 stamina and has hit-scan line-of-sight taunting versus the projectile-like travel time of Challenge.
I think that if the 4 second cool down is to be kept, I would like to suggest (along with the Taunt duration buffs above) that Challenge have it's Stamina cost cut down to 15 (or maybe 10). Small change, yes, but a very balanced one that would do worlds of good for Templar tank builds.
I'm going to test Challenge more in depth before suggestions a cost reduction, as I forgot the upgrade increases stamina generation. Once I have some data on the matter I'll be able to be more accurate.